We regularly organize events open to our members, including hackerspace nights, hackathons, film screenings, and meetups with presentations. You can find more information on our social media pages.

Coming soon

Meetup log

  • hack.bs meetup 0x001 - “Introduzione tecnica a Bitcoin” with Alekos Filini - Youtube
  • hack.bs meetup 0x002 - “Rust vs the others” with Daniela Brozzoni - Youtube
  • hack.bs meetup 0x003 - “Introduzione a Wireguard, una VPN moderna ispirata a SSH” with Simone Degiacomi
  • Satoshi Spritz Brescia - 8th September 2023
  • hack.bs meetup 0x004 - “Se hai una passione, facci un podcast” with Turtlecute
  • hack.bs meetup 0x005 - “Marketing 101: l’ABC per aspiranti Guru” with Ivan Adamovich